Registering a MIRECS Project
The user can only register MIRECS projects if they have an approved MIRECS account. A Project is not approved until it is reviewed and validated by the MIRECS administrator. The following information will guide you through the steps necessary to register a Project in your Michigan Renewable Energy Certification System (MIRECS) account.
The MIRECS Administrator is available to assist you throughout the registration process and can be contacted at either of the following:
Please call 888-964-7327 or email
To Register a new MIRECS project, User takes the following steps:
1. In the Account Dashboard, locate the Project Management module.
2. Under the Project Management module, Click on the ‘Register New Project’ hyperlink, as pictured below:
3. In the “New Project Registration” screen, enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk (*).
Note: You can Click the [Save] button to save entered data and return at a later time to finish the registration.
4. Complete the first page of Project registration by Clicking the [Next] button and then go to the second page.
5. In the second page of New Generator/Project Registration, the User will enter information about the Facility Operator, Reporting Entity, Ownership, and Metering Information.
6. Click on the [Next] button to move to the final page of Generator/Project Registration.
Note: If needed, you can Click on the [Back] button to return to the previous registration page.
7. The final page of the New Generator/Project Registration is about REC eligibility. Review/Update information and Click [Submit for Approval].
8. The Facility Registration will now be sent to the MIRECS Administrator, and an email notification will be sent to the Account Manager.
Note: A MIRECS ID will be created once the Project registration is submitted and this Project ID can be seen by going back to the Project Management module.